Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Beauty Supply Store -South Korea

Hey Guyz!!!

I haven't been on here in such  long time. But as stated before, I usually keep things updated on my Instagram.  Click Here 4 My Instagram

So I have so much to write but I will keep this blog post specific. An update video or blog post will definitely come soon!

Today's topic is hair! Living in Korea can be hard enough, so when it came to my natural hair I always braided my hair and capped it with a sew-in, quick weave, or lace front. Now do not get me wrong there are some AMAZING people out here with their natural hair out. They are usually found in the BlackInKorea or BlackNKorea tags on social media.

They even have routines that could help you gain some knowledge about your own hair.

Now if you're like me just learning about your own hair or shoot, just want a nice quick-weave.
They have a place newly opened in "Itaewon, Seoul South Korea."


So, beauty supply shops are not new to my readers, so I made sure I took a few photos. But focused on how to get there more. Enjoy ^_^

Ask Any Taxi to take you to Itaewon MCDONALDS. Stay on that street and keep going straight.
as you see in the video I get out of the cab on the Mcdonalds sidewalk and just keep heading straight <3 simple as that. 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Dinner Line App Friends Cafe. -Holiday Pic heavy

Soo, This is so over due! But non the least, I wanted to post these photo's as I bought a new stuffie from the line store. Presented by the "Line App".

It was so adorable. I went with my brother. So that is who is in the photographs as well. We first went to a place to eat dinner. I can't recall the place, but if remembered I will be sure to post it.

In other news, my brother got something new! It was a No,No && the cost was a bit high for the amount. :( I had Margherita Pizza. Yummy but once again quite small for the price. 
After words we headed to the new opening of the Line store. It was filled with different stuffies and apparel along with a coffee shop! 

Enjoy! I will be posting more often so please be on the lookout! 
I am also thinking about posting my photos on tumblr, as my blog? wyd? hm.. I am not sure. anwho, enjoy

Now, both items run about 18-20 bucks. Drinks included *Strawberry margarita and a mango lemonade totaled to be around 47-54 bucks. Btw: My brothers food was served cold. Which he did not expect. :( Great place, just not for us. 

Moving on....

&& Here is the ;Line Cafe So cute!!!  

Ending in terms we walked around a bit after our visit to the Line store, and caught a lovely cab ride home :) interesting enough our holidays were very nice. 


Address: 126 Hangangno-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Hours:· 11:30AM–10PM

Get off at Itaewon station EXIT 2. 
Keep going straight and keep looking to your right. It is huge! Can't miss it. Cross the street and Bam :) If not, make sure to show your cab driver the address or call to translate. ^_^ 

Now to get back into swing with things. I have some up and coming news for everyone. Just playing the waiting game for now lol. See yall soon ^_^